Within this blog, I am giving a short introduction into Bayesian optimization to find a near optimal learning rate. There exists a lot of great tutorials regarding the theory of Bayesian optimization. The main objective of this blog is to give a hands-on tutorial for hyperparameter optimization. As I will cover the theory only very briefly, it is recommend to read about the latter first before going through this tutorial. I am training a small ResNet implemented in PyTorch on the Kuzushiji-MNIST (or K-MNIST) dataset. This tutorial covers the following steps:
- Download and import the K-MNIST dataset into the project
- Define a small ResNet in PyTorch
- Define everything needed for Bayesian optimization
- Using Bayesian optimization to find the optimal learning rate
- Some practical approaches for learning rate optimization (feature transformation)
What this tutorial will not cover:
- Introduction to PyTorch
- Gaussian Processes
A basic understanding of Python and PyTorch are required. There also exists a GitHub repository, where you can get a clean implementation of all the code you see in this blog. There is also a Jupyter notebook, where you can reproduce everything you have seen here.
Download and import the K-MNIST dataset
As mentioned before, we are training on the K-MNIST dataset. Luckily, this dataset is part of the torchvision
package. This makes it very straightforward to create a training and validation dataset as the dataset is downloaded autonomously (if it is not already downloaded) and imported in the desired format. We can pass each dataset to PyTorch’s DataLoader
which represents an iterable over the dataset.
import torchvision import numpy as np # define a batch size batch_size = 32 # define transformations we want to apply to our images transform = torchvision.transforms.Compose( [torchvision.transforms.ToTensor()]) # create a dataset and dataloader for training train_ds = torchvision.datasets.KMNIST(root='./data', train=True, download=True, transform=transform) train_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(train_ds, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=2) # create a dataset and dataloader for validation val_ds = torchvision.datasets.KMNIST(root='./data', train=False, download=True, transform=transform) val_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(val_ds, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=2)
That’s it! We have just prepared our data. Let’s see how our images look like.
def show_batch(images): images = torchvision.utils.make_grid(images).numpy() plt.imshow(np.transpose(images, (1, 2, 0))) plt.show() # get one batch images, labels = next(iter(train_loader)) # plot show_batch(images)

Looks like some Japanese characters! Now it’s time to create the model.
Defining a small ResNet
We use a small ResNet9 (8 convolutional layers and 1 fully-connected layer) as it is small yet provides reasonable performance. This is the structure of the network:

Convolutional Blocks
I think it looks less cluttered if we aggregate multiple layers to blocks. So let’s start by defining the convolutional blocks shown above. These consist of a convolutional layer, batch normalization, ReLU activation and (eventually) MaxPooling:
import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F class ConvBlock(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=3, padding=1, pool=False, pool_kernel_size=2): super(ConvBlock, self).__init__() self.conv = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=kernel_size, padding=padding) self.conv_bn = nn.BatchNorm2d(out_channels) if pool: self.pooling = nn.MaxPool2d(pool_kernel_size) else: self.pooling = None def forward(self, x): out = F.relu(self.conv_bn(self.conv(x))) if self.pooling is not None: out = self.pooling(out) return out
Residual Blocks
Next, let’s define the residual blocks shown above. These blocks consists of two convolutional blocks without MaxPooling:
class ResidualBlock(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=3, padding=1): super(ResidualBlock, self).__init__() self.conv_block1 = ConvBlock(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, padding) self.conv_block2 = ConvBlock(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, padding) def forward(self, x): residual = x out = self.conv_block1(x) out = self.conv_block2(out) out += residual return out
Now it is straightforward to define our ResNet. Simply concatenate the blocks as shown above and add an additional MaxPooling and a fully-connected layer at the end. Note that we do not add a Softmax layer at the end, as the Cross-Entropy loss, which we are going to use later, includes this already:
class ResNet9(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_channels, num_classes): super(ResNet9, self).__init__() # 1st and 2nd convolutional layer self.conv_block1 = ConvBlock(in_channels, 64) self.conv_block2 = ConvBlock(64, 128, pool=True) # residual block consisting of the 3rd and 4th convolutional layer self.res_block1 = ResidualBlock(128, 128) # 5th and 6th convolutional layers self.conv_block3 = ConvBlock(128, 256, pool=True) self.conv_block4 = ConvBlock(256, 512, pool=True) # residual block consisting of the 7th and 8th convolutional layer self.res_block2 = ResidualBlock(512, 512) # final fully-connected layer self.classifier = nn.Sequential(nn.MaxPool2d(3), nn.Flatten(), nn.Linear(512, num_classes)) def forward(self, x): out = self.conv_block1(x) out = self.conv_block2(out) out = self.res_block1(out) out = self.conv_block3(out) out = self.conv_block4(out) out = self.res_block2(out) out = self.classifier(out) return out
That’s it! We have our model now. So let’s dive into the next step.
Bayesian Optimization
A naive solution to find promising learning rates is to sample learning rates equidistantly or randomly in the search space. This is the concept behind grid and random search. While this is easy to use when function evaluation is cheap, it becomes infeasible when the function evaluation is costly. The latter is typically the case in deep learning. However, we can do better using Bayesian optimization. Bayesian optimization uses probability theory to predict the most promising learning rate candidate based on previously evaluated learning rates.
Objective Function and Surrogate Model
But how do we predict the most promising next learning rate? Well, if you think about it, what we actually would like to know is some kind of function, which maps a learning rate to a performance metric, for instance the loss. If we would have such a function, we can simply take the minimum of it to find the best learning rate possible. Let’s call the latter the objective function. Obviously, we don’t have access to the objective function (otherwise, you wouldn’t be here). And evaluating the objective function for a huge number of learning rates is also infeasible, as we already said. However, what we can do is to evaluate a few learning rates and try to fit a model to the objective function. The key idea is to fit the model until it decently represents the objective function. Then, we can instead search for the model’s minimum to find a surrogate optimal learning rate. This is why we call such a model a surrogate model in Bayesian optimization. We are going to use a Gaussian Process (GP) as our surrogate model. Without observation noise, a GP can be interpreted as an interpolator, which – in contrast to other interpolators – additionally gives us information about its uncertainty between two data samples. The uncertainty measure between two data samples is crucial and one of the most distinct features of Bayesian optimization. The latter is used to exert exploration in the search space (or rather the learning rate’s space). The higher the uncertainty within a certain search space region the more exploration we need to do. Note that we are not going to implement GPs ourselves here. There are tons of libraries out there. Instead, we are using sklearn
‘s implementation, as shown later.
Acquisition Function
Okay, assume for now that we have a surrogate model, which does not yet fits the objective function very well. How do we actually choose the next most promising learning rate to evaluate? This is where the aquisition funtion comes into play. We are using it to determine what learning rate is the most promising for the current GP fitting. Hence, the acquisition function can be interpreted as a one-step utility measure. A popular choice for the acquisition function is Expected Improvement. For our task, the improvement is defined as the improvement over the current best learning rate. Hence, the improvement $I$ at time step $t$ is defined as
I^{(t)}(\lambda) = \max (0, L_{inc}^{(t)} – L(\lambda)) \,, \label{eq:improvement}
where $\lambda$ is the learning rate and $L_{inc}^{(t)}$ is the best loss experienced so far, which we call current incumbent. The corresponding learning rate is $\lambda_{inc}^{(t)} = \mathrm{argmin}_{\lambda’ \in \mathcal{D}^{(t)}} L(\lambda’)$, where $\mathcal{D}^{(t)}$ is the dataset containing all learning rates $\lambda’$ evaluated until time step $t$. Equation \eqref{eq:improvement} has an intuitive appeal; an improvement is achieved if our model predicts a loss smaller than the loss of the current incumbent. The best improvement possible can be achieved at the smallest loss, $\min\, L(\lambda)$.
The Expected Improvement additionally considers uncertainty and is defined – as the name suggests – as the expectation over the improvement $I^{(t)}$
u_{EI}^{(t)}(\lambda) &= \mathop{\mathbb{E}}[I^{(t)}(\lambda)] \\
&= \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} p^{(t)}(L|\lambda) \cdot I^{(t)}(\lambda) \, dL \,.
The latter can be computed in the closed form yielding:
\sigma^{(t)}(\lambda) [ Z \Phi(Z) + \phi(Z) ],& \text{if } \sigma^{(t)}(\lambda) > 0\\
0, & \text{if } \sigma^{(t)}(\lambda) = 0
\end{cases} \,,
where $Z = \frac{L_{inc}^{(t)} – \mu^{(t)} (\lambda) – \xi }{\sigma^{(t)}(\lambda)}$ and $\xi$ is an optional exploration parameter. Note that $\phi$ is the PDF and $\Phi$ is the CDF of the standard normal distribution.
Now we can predict the next promising learning rate using our utility function
\lambda^{(t+1)} = \mathrm{argmax}_{\lambda \in \Lambda} u_{EI}^{(t)}(\lambda) \,,
where $\Lambda$ is the search space.
That’s it! We now know everything to write our own Bayesian optimizer. Let’s start coding! We are going to define a class, which contains everything needed for Bayesian Optimization. Below, you can see the respective class. Let me first show you the code before explaining.
from scipy.stats import norm class BayesianOptimizer: """ This is a Bayesian Optimizer, which takes in a function to optimize, and finds the maximum value of a parameter within a bounded search space. It uses Expected Improvement as the acquisition function. Attributes ---------- f: function Function to optimize. gp: GaussianProcessRegressor Gaussian Process used for regression. mode: str Either "linear" or "logarithmic". bound: list List containing the lower and upper bound of the search space. IMPORTANT: If mode is "logarithmic", the bound specifies the minimum and maximum exponents! size_search_space: int Number of evaluation points used for finding the maximum of the acquisition function. Can be interpreted as the size of our discrete search space. search_space: ndarray Vector covering the search space. gp_search_space: ndarray The search space of GP might be transformed logarithmically depending on the mode, which is why is might differ from our defined search space. dataset: list List containing all data samples used for fitting (empty at the beginning). states: list List containing the state of each iteration in the optimization process (used for later plotting). """ def __init__(self, f, gp, mode, bound, size_search_space=250): if mode not in ["linear", "logarithmic"]: raise ValueError("%s mode not supported! Chose either linear or logarithmic." % mode) else: self.mode = mode self.f = f self.gp = gp self.min = bound[0] self.max = bound[1] self.size_search_space = size_search_space if mode == "linear": self.search_space = np.linspace(self.min, self.max, num=size_search_space).reshape(-1, 1) self.gp_search_space = self.search_space else: self.search_space = np.logspace(self.min, self.max, num=size_search_space).reshape(-1, 1) self.gp_search_space = np.log10(self.search_space) self.dataset = [] self.states = [] def _ei(self, c_inc, xi=0.05): """ Expected Improvement (EI) acquisition function used for maximization. Parameters ---------- c_inc: float Utility of current incumbent. xi: float Optional exploration parameter. Returns ------- util: ndarray Utilization given the current Gaussian Process and incumbent """ # calculate the current mean and std for the search space mean, std = self.gp.predict(self.gp_search_space, return_std=True) std = np.array(std).reshape(-1, 1) # calculate the utilization a = (mean - c_inc - xi) z = a / std util = a * norm.cdf(z) + std * norm.pdf(z) return util def _max_acq(self): """ Calculates the next best incumbent for the current dataset D. Returns ------- x_max: float Location (x-coordinate) of the next best incumbent util_max: float Utility of the next best incumbent. util: ndarray Utility function for the search space. """ # get the value of the current best incumbent c_inc = np.max(np.array(self.dataset)[:, 1]) # calculate the utility function util = self._ei(c_inc) # check if the utilization is all zero if np.all((util == 0.)): print("Warning! Utilization function is all zero. Returning a random point for evaluation.") x_max = self.search_space.reshape(-1)[np.random.randint(len(self.search_space))] util_max = 0.0 else: # get the maximum's location and utility x_max = self.search_space.reshape(-1)[util.argmax()] util_max = util.max() return x_max, util_max, util def eval(self, n_iter=10, init_x_max=None): """ Runs n_iter evaluations of function f and optimizes its parameter using Bayesian Optimization. Parameters ---------- n_iter: int Number of iterations used for optimization init_x_max: float Initial guess of the parameter. If none, a random initial guess is sampled in the search space. Returns ------- best_return_x: float Best sample found during optimization best_return_param: Parameters defining the best function (e.g., torch model). """ # get a random initial value for the incumbent from our search space if not specified if not init_x_max: x_max = self.search_space[np.random.randint(len(self.search_space))] x_max = x_max.item() else: x_max = init_x_max # for storing the best return and some parameters specifying it best_return = None best_return_x = None best_return_param = None for i in range(n_iter): # print some information print("\nBO Iteration %d --> Chosen parameter: %f %s" % (i, x_max, "" if (init_x_max or i != 0) else "(randomly)")) # evaluate the function y, param = self.f(x_max) # store if it is the best if not best_return or y > best_return: best_return = y best_return_x = x_max best_return_param = param # add the new sample to the dataset self.dataset.append([x_max, y]) # get all the data samples in the dataset xs = np.array(self.dataset)[:, 0].reshape(-1, 1) ys = np.array(self.dataset)[:, 1].reshape(-1, 1) # fit the GP with the updated dataset if self.mode == "linear": self.gp.fit(xs, ys) else: self.gp.fit(np.log10(xs), ys) # calculate the maximum utilization and its position x_max, util_max, util = self._max_acq() # save the state for later plotting self.states.append({"dataset": self.dataset.copy(), "util": util, "GP": self.gp.predict(self.gp_search_space, return_std=True)}) return best_return_x, best_return_param
The latter might look overwhelming at first, but it’s actually straightforward. Let’s go through it function by function:
: Here we initialize everything needed for our optimizer. The most important parts are the objective function (self.f
), the Gaussian proccess (self.gp
, defined later), the search space (self.search_space
) and the search space for the Gaussian process(self.gp_search_space
). But why do we have two search spaces? Well, you’ll see later that it might be very beneficial to transform the GP’s search space to a logarithmic space. More on that later!_ei()
: This function defines the Expected Improvement (EI) acquisition function as described above._max_acq()
: This function calculates the best next incumbent based on the acquisition function. It simply calculates the utility function for our bounded and discrete search space $\Lambda$ (self.search_space
) and determines where the maximum is.eval()
: This function evaluates the given function (self.f
), fits the GP and determines the next incumbent using_max_acq
. This is done forn_iter
Note that we have defined the Bayesian optimizer in a way that it is maximizing the objective function. That is, we need to take the negative of the objective function in case of a minimization problem (as it is the case for the loss).
Testing our Bayesian Optimizer
Okay, now we have our Bayesian optimizer. Let’s try it on a simple example. Therefore, we need to define an objective function first:
def objective(x): return x**2 * np.sin(5 * np.pi * x)**6.0, None
I have taken this objective function from another blog, which provides a great tutorial for basic Bayesian optimization. I can recommend to check it out as well!
Note that the objective function returns a tuple consisting of the actual return of the function and an additional parameter, which is None
in this case. The latter is used later when we want to know, which ResNet model yielded what loss in order to save its parameters and probably continue training from there on. Let’s take a quick look at our objective function:
def plot_function(func, xs, fig_id=0): fig = plt.figure(0) ax = fig.add_subplot() ys, _ = objective(xs) ax.plot(xs, ys, color="red") ax.set_title("Objective Function") xs = np.linspace(0,1, 250) plot_function(objective, xs) plt.show()

Okay, seems like our objective has several maxima from which the one at $x=0.9$ is the best in our interval. Let’s see if our optimizer can find it.
However, we need to define the kernel, the Gaussian Process and some bounds first. We use a product kernel here consisting of a constant kernel and a Radial Basis Function (RBF) kernel. This is the default setting for sklearn as well.
from sklearn.gaussian_process import GaussianProcessRegressor from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels import RBF, ConstantKernel as C kernel = C(1.0, (1e-5, 1e5)) * RBF(10, (1e-2, 1e2)) gp = GaussianProcessRegressor(kernel, n_restarts_optimizer=10) bo = BayesianOptimizer(objective, gp, mode="linear", bound=[0, 1])
As mentioned above, we are not going to talk much about the theory of GPs. If you want to learn more, you might want to checkout this blog. However, we are going to talk a bit about the importance of kernels later.
For now, let’s run 10 iterations of Bayesian optimization using our class and plot the results. Note that our optimizer stores everything we need to know about an iteration during the optimization process in self.states
, so that plotting is easier. For simplification, the code for our Bayesian optimizer described above has omitted some plotting functions, which are included in the GitHub repository. Checkout the repository in case you want to see the implementation.
# sklearn might throw some annoying warnings, let's suppress them import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") # give an initial guess of 0.5 and optimize maximum, _ = bo.eval(10, 0.5) print("\n--> Best Value found: ", maximum) # plot the results for i, state in enumerate(bo.states, start=1): # The plotting function is not shown in the code above --> checkout the GitHub repository instead bo.plot_state(state, i, show=False, additional_func=(objective, "Objective")) plt.show()
Here are the results of each of the 10 iterations:

The red line shows the objective function (as shown above), the blue line shows the mean of the GP, the light blue area shows the GP’s standard deviation and the green line shows the EI utility function. Go through the images and track the way our optimizer works. On the last image you can see that our optimizer found $0.892$ as the best result after 10 iterations, which is quite near the global maximum at $0.9$. However, it is not guaranteed that the optimizer finds the global maximum on a small number of iterations. It might only find a local maximum, as the one at $0.5$. Okay, now we can go on to the main part of this blog.
Using Bayesian Optimization to find the Optimal Learning Rate
We want to find an optimal (or near optimal) learning rate for our classification task on K-MNIST. Therefore, we need to think more thoroughly about what our objective functions is. As mentioned before, we are using the loss $L$. But which loss exactly? The one calculated on a batch? Or the one after ten batches? Are we using the training or the validation loss?
Well, our main goal in a classification task is to decrease the loss on validation data. And even though, function evaluation is expensive, K-MNIST is a rather small dataset. This is why we are going to evaluate on the validation loss after training one epoch. In doing so, we are optimizing the learning rate with respect to the loss we care most about and on all data provided.
That is, our function to evaluate, which is given to the Bayesian optimizer, takes the learning rate and the dataset (training + validation) as the input and returns the average validation loss (as well as the torch model). As we are evaluating on one epoch, the function is called run_one_epoch
, as shown below.
Note that, our function is returning the negative loss since our optimizer tries to maximize the objective function (and we are interested in a small loss). Moreover, we are also calculating the accuracy, as it is more human-readable.
def accuracy(pred, true): class_index_pred = pred.detach().numpy().argmax(axis=1) return np.sum(true.detach().numpy() == class_index_pred) / len(pred) def run_one_epoch(lr, train_l, val_l, seed): """ Runs one epoch of training using the specified learning rate lr and returns the negative average validation loss. Parameters ---------- lr: float Learning rate of the model. train_l: DataLoader Torch's DataLoaders constituting an iterator over the training dataset. val_l: DataLoader Torch's DataLoaders constituting an iterator over the validation dataset. seed: int Seed for Numpy and Torch. Returns ------- Tuple containing the negative validation loss and the model trained on the specified learning rate. """ # set the seed to initialize same model and randomness on # all epochs to allow fair comparison np.random.seed(seed) torch.manual_seed(seed) # get our model and define the optimizer as well as the loss criterion model = ResNet9(in_channels=1, num_classes=10) optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=lr) criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss() train_loop = tqdm(train_l) # tqdm wrapper used to print progress bar for data in train_loop: # unpack images and labels images, labels = data # zero the parameter gradients optimizer.zero_grad() # calculate loss outputs = model(images) loss = criterion(outputs, labels) # calculate and apply the gradients loss.backward() optimizer.step() # print some training information train_loop.set_postfix({"Loss": loss.item(), "Accuracy": accuracy(outputs, labels)}) # let's validate our model print("Validating ...") with torch.no_grad(): cum_val_loss = 0.0 cum_acc = 0.0 for data in val_l: # unpack images and labels images, labels = data # calculate loss outputs = model(images) cum_val_loss += criterion(outputs, labels) cum_acc += accuracy(outputs, labels) # print some validation information avg_val_loss = cum_val_loss / len(val_loader) avg_val_acc = cum_acc / len(val_loader) print("---> Validation-Loss: %.4f & Validation-Accuracy: %.4f" % (avg_val_loss, avg_val_acc)) return -avg_val_loss, model
Basically, the run_one_epoch()
method consists of two loops; the training and the validation loop. While the model is optimized during the training loop, it is kept fixed during validation. We have everything needed now to find the optimal learning rate. However, as for our example, we need to define a kernel, a GP and some bounds. As can be seen from our bounds defined below, our search space covers learning rates from $0.00001$ to $1.0$ since learning rates smaller than that are very uncommon on the first epoch. Let’s run it for 10 iterations and see what happens!
n_iter = 10 # number of iterations np.random.seed(seed) # set seed to allow fair comparison to logarithmic # define the GP kernel = C(1.0, (1e-5, 1e5)) * RBF(10, (1e-2, 1e2)) gp = GaussianProcessRegressor(kernel, n_restarts_optimizer=10) # optimize the learning rate bo = BayesianOptimizer(lambda x: run_one_epoch(x, train_loader, val_loader, seed), gp, mode="linear", bound=[1e-5, 1.0]) found_lr, best_model = bo.eval(n_iter=10) print("\n--> Found learning-rate after %d iterations: %f" % (n_iter, found_lr)) # plot all iterations --> c.f., GitHub repo bo.plot_all() # save the best model (this is the one returned from BO) torch.save(best_model.state_dict(), "./ResNet9_linear")
Here are the results:

--> Found learning-rate after 10 iterations: 0.204827
Okay, let’s take a look at the results. The optimizer is giving us a learning rate of $0.205$ that was achieved in the 8th iteration with a validation loss of $0.2946$ and an accuracy of $91.47\%$, which is quite good for the first epoch. However, I don’t know about you, but I was wondering a bit about the way the optimizer was searching for the learning rate. If you take a closer look at the graph, you’ll see that nearly all evaluations were done between $0.1$ and $1.0$. If you have ever tried to manually tune a learning rate on a classification task or at least read about commonly used learning rates, you’ll find these learning rates quite huge. Moreover, you’ll find the way the optimizer is searching for the optimal learning rate quite counterintuitive. Usually, we tune learning rates with an exponential decay, e.g., starting from $1\times 10^{-1}$ and going smaller to $1\times 10^{-2}$, $1\times 10^{-3}$, and so on.
Let’s take a moment and think about why the optimizer is evaluating learning rates in a way, which might look counterintuitive to us. At first, let’s take a closer look at the search space defined in the BayesianOptimizer
class (for the linear case, ignore the logarithmic case for the moment). It uses linear spacing. Let’s take a look at such a search space with the same bounds yet a smaller number of samples:
np.linspace(1e-5, 1.0, 100)
array([1.00000000e-05, 1.01109091e-02, 2.02118182e-02, 3.03127273e-02, 4.04136364e-02, 5.05145455e-02, 6.06154545e-02, 7.07163636e-02, 8.08172727e-02, 9.09181818e-02, 1.01019091e-01, 1.11120000e-01, 1.21220909e-01, 1.31321818e-01, 1.41422727e-01, 1.51523636e-01, 1.61624545e-01, 1.71725455e-01, 1.81826364e-01, 1.91927273e-01, 2.02028182e-01, 2.12129091e-01, 2.22230000e-01, 2.32330909e-01, 2.42431818e-01, 2.52532727e-01, 2.62633636e-01, 2.72734545e-01, 2.82835455e-01, 2.92936364e-01, 3.03037273e-01, 3.13138182e-01, 3.23239091e-01, 3.33340000e-01, 3.43440909e-01, 3.53541818e-01, 3.63642727e-01, 3.73743636e-01, 3.83844545e-01, 3.93945455e-01, 4.04046364e-01, 4.14147273e-01, 4.24248182e-01, 4.34349091e-01, 4.44450000e-01, 4.54550909e-01, 4.64651818e-01, 4.74752727e-01, 4.84853636e-01, 4.94954545e-01, 5.05055455e-01, 5.15156364e-01, 5.25257273e-01, 5.35358182e-01, 5.45459091e-01, 5.55560000e-01, 5.65660909e-01, 5.75761818e-01, 5.85862727e-01, 5.95963636e-01, 6.06064545e-01, 6.16165455e-01, 6.26266364e-01, 6.36367273e-01, 6.46468182e-01, 6.56569091e-01, 6.66670000e-01, 6.76770909e-01, 6.86871818e-01, 6.96972727e-01, 7.07073636e-01, 7.17174545e-01, 7.27275455e-01, 7.37376364e-01, 7.47477273e-01, 7.57578182e-01, 7.67679091e-01, 7.77780000e-01, 7.87880909e-01, 7.97981818e-01, 8.08082727e-01, 8.18183636e-01, 8.28284545e-01, 8.38385455e-01, 8.48486364e-01, 8.58587273e-01, 8.68688182e-01, 8.78789091e-01, 8.88890000e-01, 8.98990909e-01, 9.09091818e-01, 9.19192727e-01, 9.29293636e-01, 9.39394545e-01, 9.49495455e-01, 9.59596364e-01, 9.69697273e-01, 9.79798182e-01, 9.89899091e-01, 1.00000000e+00])
You will quickly realize that most samples lie between $1×10^{-1}$ and $1×10^{0}$. This is due to the fact that linear spacing causes equidistant spreading, which is different to our logarithmic way of tuning.
To fix this, we can just use logarithmic spacing instead. In doing so, we can now evaluate each exponent equally in our search space, similar to what we would do when manually tuning the learning rate. Let’s try this (note that np.logspace
is expecting you to give exponents as the bound):
# uses base 10 by default np.logspace(-5,0, 100)
array([1.00000000e-05, 1.12332403e-05, 1.26185688e-05, 1.41747416e-05, 1.59228279e-05, 1.78864953e-05, 2.00923300e-05, 2.25701972e-05, 2.53536449e-05, 2.84803587e-05, 3.19926714e-05, 3.59381366e-05, 4.03701726e-05, 4.53487851e-05, 5.09413801e-05, 5.72236766e-05, 6.42807312e-05, 7.22080902e-05, 8.11130831e-05, 9.11162756e-05, 1.02353102e-04, 1.14975700e-04, 1.29154967e-04, 1.45082878e-04, 1.62975083e-04, 1.83073828e-04, 2.05651231e-04, 2.31012970e-04, 2.59502421e-04, 2.91505306e-04, 3.27454916e-04, 3.67837977e-04, 4.13201240e-04, 4.64158883e-04, 5.21400829e-04, 5.85702082e-04, 6.57933225e-04, 7.39072203e-04, 8.30217568e-04, 9.32603347e-04, 1.04761575e-03, 1.17681195e-03, 1.32194115e-03, 1.48496826e-03, 1.66810054e-03, 1.87381742e-03, 2.10490414e-03, 2.36448941e-03, 2.65608778e-03, 2.98364724e-03, 3.35160265e-03, 3.76493581e-03, 4.22924287e-03, 4.75081016e-03, 5.33669923e-03, 5.99484250e-03, 6.73415066e-03, 7.56463328e-03, 8.49753436e-03, 9.54548457e-03, 1.07226722e-02, 1.20450354e-02, 1.35304777e-02, 1.51991108e-02, 1.70735265e-02, 1.91791026e-02, 2.15443469e-02, 2.42012826e-02, 2.71858824e-02, 3.05385551e-02, 3.43046929e-02, 3.85352859e-02, 4.32876128e-02, 4.86260158e-02, 5.46227722e-02, 6.13590727e-02, 6.89261210e-02, 7.74263683e-02, 8.69749003e-02, 9.77009957e-02, 1.09749877e-01, 1.23284674e-01, 1.38488637e-01, 1.55567614e-01, 1.74752840e-01, 1.96304065e-01, 2.20513074e-01, 2.47707636e-01, 2.78255940e-01, 3.12571585e-01, 3.51119173e-01, 3.94420606e-01, 4.43062146e-01, 4.97702356e-01, 5.59081018e-01, 6.28029144e-01, 7.05480231e-01, 7.92482898e-01, 8.90215085e-01, 1.00000000e+00])
Great! We can now evaluate each exponent equally in our search space, similar to what we would do when manually tuning the learning rate.
However, we can’t just use logarithmic spacing. Something you might not know (because we skipped it here) is that the main component for calculating the covariance in GPs is the kernel. As mentioned before, we took a RBF kernel (Constant kernel is not important here). Let’s take a look at the kernel function for our case
k(\lambda_i, \lambda_j) = \exp\left( – \frac{d(\lambda_i, \lambda_j)^2}{2l^2} \right)\, .
$\lambda_i$ and $\lambda_j$ are two learning rates, $d(.,.)$ is the Euclidean distance between those points and $l$ is the length parameter for scaling the covariance.
The part I want to point your attention to is the distance $d(.,.)$. As for a lot of kernels, this is the main metric for calculating the covariance between two points. Our intention when using logarithmic spacing is that we would like to explore each exponent equally. However, because our kernel is using the distance for calculating the covariance, it yields higher covariance for greater distance and vice versa. And since Expected Improvement yields higher utility with higher variance (c.f., equations above), our optimizer would still favour greater exponents.
However, the fix is easy here as well. We can simply transform the search space logarithmically when working with GPs. That is, the kernel is computed on a transformed learning rate $\psi(\lambda) = (\log_{10}(\lambda))$. The kernel is then
k(\psi(\lambda_i), \psi(\lambda_j)) = \exp\left( – \frac{d(\psi(\lambda_i), \psi(\lambda_j))^2}{2l^2} \right)\, .
Note that we do not transform the targets during GP fitting. This means that the loss is equal for both cases $L(\lambda) = L(\psi(\lambda))$.
Let’s recap briefly before we try that.
- We are using logarithmic spacing to have a search space, which contains the same amount of data points for each exponent. In doing so, we pay equal attention to each exponent.
- We are using logarithmic feature transformation when working with GPs. This turns our non-linearly (here logarithmically) spaced search space into a linearly spaced search space. In doing so, we are encouraging the optimizer to search on small exponents as well.
Okay, enough theory! Let’s see the results. Everything needed is already implemented in the BayesianOptimizer
class. We only need to switch the mode from linear to logarithmic and change the bounds to exponents.

--> Found learning-rate after 10 iterations: 0.003718
Yeay! We were able to decrease the loss from $0.2946$ to $0.1843$ and increase our accuracy from $91.47\%$ to $94.45\%$. The learning rate found is significantly smaller then the one found before: linear-mode $\rightarrow 0.204$ vs. logarithmic-mode $\rightarrow 0.0037$! Especially in the first iterations, you can see the that the variance is high in both directions, which is exactly what we wanted. In the last iteration, you can see that our optmizer paid equal attention to all exponents in our search space.
One might argument that the difference between linear and logarithmic mode in performance isn’t that high. Actually, that’s true. However, paying more attention to smaller learning rates becomes more important in later epochs, where greater learning rates often cause stagnation in learning.
Finally, I want to point out that, even though it might be useful to exploit our domain knowledge to transform the learning rate’s search space logarithmically, it might be different for other hyperparameters, which we want to optimize as well. So, be careful with that!
This is my very first blog. If you have any suggestions for improvement, please write them in the comments below. Thanks for joining!
One reply on “Finding the Optimal Learning Rate using Bayesian Optimization”
Very nice post!